Hi, I’m Thomas.
I’m a software engineer currently living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. Super unique, right? Before finding my way to the Bay I spent the first 3 decades of my life in the Midwest of the United States.
I found software later than many of my peers. I didn’t write my first line of code until college, but the experience was life changing, literally. In less than a year I went from an 18-year-old planning on spending at least the next 4 years playing college soccer to choosing to major in Computer Science and pursuing a career in software engineering.
Here you will find me writing about Java and related technologies, as well as more process-oriented topics like test driven development (TDD). My approach to producing software has been influenced a great deal by the eXtreme Programming community, individuals like Kent Beck, Martin Fowler, and Uncle Bob, as well as through my own practice of the ideas taken from those inspirations. My hope is that I can share those experiences with you, and with any luck perhaps a little inspiration.